Can I Convert My Manual Reel Mower To An Electric One?

If you love the eco-friendly benefits of a manual reel mower but long for the convenience of an electric one, you may find yourself wondering if there’s a way to combine the best of both worlds. Well, good news! In this article, we’ll explore the possibility of converting your trusty manual reel mower into a hassle-free electric machine. From the potential benefits to the steps involved, we’ll guide you through the process of transforming your mowing experience while maintaining that friendly, environmentally-conscious approach. So, grab your gardening gloves and let’s get started on this exciting journey!

Can I Convert My Manual Reel Mower To An Electric One?

Discover more about the Can I Convert My Manual Reel Mower To An Electric One?.

Overview of manual reel mowers

Definition and purpose

Manual reel mowers, also known as push reel mowers, are a type of lawn mower operated by pushing a cylinder shaped cutting reel that spins, cutting the grass as it moves forward. These mowers do not require any gasoline or electricity to operate, as they solely rely on the user’s pushing force to rotate the reel and trim the grass.

Their purpose is to provide a quiet, eco-friendly, and low-maintenance alternative to traditional gas or electric-powered mowers. Manual reel mowers are often preferred by those looking for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way to mow their lawns.

Advantages and limitations

Manual reel mowers offer several advantages over their gas and electric counterparts. Firstly, they are incredibly environmentally friendly since they produce zero emissions and do not contribute to air pollution. They also operate quietly, making them ideal for neighborhoods with noise restrictions or for those who prefer a peaceful mowing experience.

Additionally, manual reel mowers provide an excellent cardiovascular workout while mowing the lawn, helping you stay active and fit. They are relatively low maintenance, requiring less attention and care compared to gas or electric mowers. The absence of a gasoline engine or electric motor also means that there are no fuel costs or complicated maintenance procedures involved.

However, manual reel mowers are not without their limitations. They may require more effort and physical exertion to operate, especially in areas with thick or tall grass. They may struggle with uneven terrain or obstacles, as they lack the maneuverability of powered mowers. Additionally, manual reel mowers may not be suitable for large lawns, as the pushing motion can become tiresome over an extended period.

Benefits of converting to an electric mower

Environmental impact

Converting a manual reel mower into an electric one can provide numerous environmental benefits. By eliminating the need for manual pushing, the electric motor reduces physical exertion, allowing those with limited mobility or strength to have an eco-friendly mowing option. Electric mowers also produce zero emissions during operation, reducing air pollution and contributing to a cleaner, greener environment.

Convenience and ease of use

One of the significant advantages of converting a manual reel mower to an electric one is the convenience and ease of use. With an electric mower, you no longer have to rely solely on your strength to propel the mower forward. The electric motor takes over the task, making mowing less physically demanding. This convenience is especially beneficial for those with large yards or areas with challenging terrain.

Reduced maintenance

Traditional manual reel mowers require regular sharpening of the blades and occasional lubrication of moving parts. By converting to an electric mower, you eliminate the need for blade sharpening and reduce the overall maintenance requirements. Electric mowers typically have self-sharpening blades and require minimal upkeep, saving you time and effort in the long run.


While the initial investment in an electric conversion kit may seem higher than purchasing a new manual reel mower, the cost-effectiveness of electric mowers becomes apparent over time. They eliminate the need for fuel or gasoline, significantly reducing ongoing operating costs. Additionally, they have fewer maintenance expenses due to the absence of an engine or gasoline components. Over the lifespan of the electric mower, the cost savings can be substantial.

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Considerations before conversion

Assessing the condition of the manual reel mower

Before undertaking the conversion process, it is essential to evaluate the condition of your manual reel mower. Check if the cutting reel, handles, and other components are in good working order. If the mower is damaged or worn out, it may not be suitable for conversion. Ensure that the reel bearings are functional, and the blades are still sharp enough to deliver a clean cut. If any significant repairs or replacements are needed, it might be more cost-effective to consider purchasing a new electric mower.

Compatibility with conversion kits

Not all manual reel mowers are compatible with electric conversion kits. Research and choose a conversion kit that is specifically designed to fit your specific mower model. Check the compatibility list provided by the conversion kit manufacturer to ensure a seamless fit. Consider reaching out to the manufacturer directly if you have any doubts or questions regarding compatibility.

Availability of spare parts

Before proceeding with the conversion, make sure that spare parts for your specific manual reel mower and the conversion kit are readily available. This ensures that you can easily replace any worn-out or damaged components in the future. Contact the conversion kit manufacturer or check their website for information on spare parts availability.

Time commitment

Converting a manual reel mower to an electric one requires time and patience. It is a process that involves disassembling and reassembling various components, as well as wiring and electrical connections. Depending on your familiarity with such tasks, the conversion process can take several hours or even a few days. Ensure that you have enough time and are willing to commit to the conversion process before getting started.

Conversion kit options

Types of conversion kits available

There are several types of conversion kits available in the market, each catering to specific manual reel mower models. Common conversion kits include electric motor kits, battery kits, and control systems. Electric motor kits involve replacing the manual pushing mechanism with an electric motor that drives the cutting reel. Battery kits provide power to the electric motor, enabling cordless operation. Control systems include switches, buttons, and wiring to control the electric motor’s speed and operation.

Features and specifications

When choosing a conversion kit, consider important features and specifications that align with your specific needs. Pay attention to the motor power, battery capacity, cutting width, and overall build quality of the kit. Ensure that the conversion kit provides sufficient power to cut through your lawn’s grass height and thickness. Read product descriptions and customer reviews to gain insights into the performance and durability of different conversion kits.

Pricing and affordability

Conversion kits can vary in price depending on the brand, features, and included components. Higher-priced conversion kits often offer better quality, durability, and additional features. Consider your budget and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the conversion kit. Factor in the potential long-term savings in maintenance and operating costs when determining the overall affordability of the kit.

Can I Convert My Manual Reel Mower To An Electric One?

Step-by-step conversion process

Gathering the necessary tools and materials

Before starting the conversion process, gather all the necessary tools and materials. The specific tools required may vary based on the conversion kit and manual reel mower model. Common tools include wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters, and electrical tape. Read the conversion kit’s instructions thoroughly to ensure you have all the required tools and materials ready.

Safety precautions

Prioritize safety throughout the conversion process. Wear appropriate protective gear such as safety goggles, gloves, and closed-toe shoes. Ensure that you are working in a well-ventilated area to prevent inhaling any fumes or dust. Disconnect any power sources and remove the spark plug if your manual reel mower has one. Follow the conversion kit’s instructions carefully to avoid accidents or injuries.

Removing the cutting reel and handle

Start the conversion process by removing the cutting reel and handle from your manual reel mower. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dismantling these components. Keep track of any nuts, bolts, or washers that need to be removed, as they will be reused during the reassembly process.

Installing the electric motor

Once the cutting reel and handle are removed, prepare the electric motor according to the conversion kit’s instructions. Mount the motor onto the designated area on the mower’s frame, ensuring a secure fit. Follow the specific guidelines provided by the conversion kit manufacturer for attaching the motor and aligning it correctly with the cutting reel.

Wiring and electrical connections

Next, carefully wire and connect the electrical components according to the conversion kit’s instructions. This typically involves connecting the electric motor to the battery or control system and ensuring all connections are secure and properly insulated. Pay attention to the polarity and follow the color-coded instructions to make accurate connections.

Reassembling the mower

Once the wiring and electrical connections are complete, begin reassembling the mower. Follow the reverse order of disassembly, referring to the conversion kit’s instructions for any additional steps or components that need to be installed. Ensure all nuts, bolts, and washers are tightened securely.

Testing and troubleshooting

After reassembly, it is crucial to thoroughly test the converted electric reel mower before regular usage. Check all connections, ensure the motor is functioning correctly, and ensure any control systems are operational. Test the mower on a small patch of grass to ensure smooth operation and proper cutting performance. If any issues arise, refer to the troubleshooting section in the conversion kit’s instructions or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

Maintenance and care for electric reel mowers

Cleaning and lubrication

Regular cleaning and lubrication are essential to maintain the performance and longevity of your electric reel mower. After each use, remove any grass clippings and debris from the cutting reel, blades, and mower body. Use a soft brush or cloth to wipe down the exterior surfaces and remove any accumulated dirt. Lubricate any moving parts, such as the reel bearings, with a suitable lubricant to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation.

Battery maintenance

If your electric mower operates on a battery, proper battery maintenance is crucial. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for charging, storage, and maintenance of the battery. Be sure to use the recommended charger and avoid overcharging or deep discharging the battery, as this can reduce its lifespan. Regularly inspect the battery for any signs of damage or deterioration and replace it if necessary.

Sharpening the blades

Although electric reel mowers typically have self-sharpening blades, periodic blade maintenance may still be necessary. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for sharpening the blades, as the process may vary based on the specific model. Sharpening the blades helps ensure a clean and precise cut, resulting in a well-manicured lawn.

Storage and protection

When not in use, properly store and protect your electric reel mower. Store it in a dry and secure location, away from extreme temperatures or humidity. If possible, cover the mower with a waterproof cover to prevent dust, moisture, or debris from accumulating. Regularly inspect the mower for any signs of wear or damage and address them promptly to maintain its overall condition.

Safety considerations

Understanding electrical safety

When working with electric reel mowers, it is crucial to prioritize electrical safety. Before any maintenance or repairs, disconnect the power source and ensure the mower is switched off. Avoid working in wet or damp conditions to prevent the risk of electric shock. If you are unsure about any electrical aspects of the mower, consult a professional or an experienced electrician to ensure safety.

Proper usage and precautions

When operating an electric reel mower, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure safe usage. Pay attention to any warnings, guidelines, or precautions provided. Avoid operating the mower near water, steep slopes, or areas with hidden obstacles. Ensure that the cutting reel and blades are clear of any obstructions or debris before starting the mower.

Protective gear and equipment

Protective gear is essential when using an electric reel mower. Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from grass clippings, debris, or any flying objects. Gloves can provide a better grip and protect your hands from potential cuts or injuries. Closed-toe shoes or boots are crucial to protect your feet from the sharp blades of the mower. Always dress appropriately for the task and avoid wearing loose clothing that could get caught in the mower.

Potential challenges and drawbacks

Limited cutting power compared to gas-powered mowers

One of the potential drawbacks of electric reel mowers, even after conversion, is their limited cutting power compared to gas-powered mowers. Electric mowers may struggle with thick or overgrown grass, requiring more passes or additional effort to achieve a clean cut. Consider the grass height and thickness in your lawn before deciding to convert to an electric mower.

Shorter battery life

For electric reel mowers that operate on batteries, a potential limitation is the shorter battery life compared to the runtime of gas-powered mowers. Depending on the battery capacity and the size of your lawn, you may need to recharge the battery multiple times to complete the mowing process. Ensure that the battery capacity meets your lawn’s needs and consider purchasing an extra battery if necessary.

Availability of charging infrastructure

Another consideration for electric reel mowers is the availability of charging infrastructure. If you choose a battery-powered mower, ensure that you have easy access to power outlets or a charging station to recharge the batteries. Additionally, consider the charging time required and plan accordingly to avoid interruptions in your mowing routine.

Risk of damage to the conversion components

Converting a manual reel mower to an electric one involves modifying and adding new components. There is a small risk of damaging or breaking these conversion components during use. Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and operation to minimize the risk of damage. Regularly inspect the conversion components for any signs of wear or deterioration and replace them as needed.

Expert tips and recommendations

Seeking professional assistance if unsure

If you are unfamiliar with electrical or mechanical work, it is advisable to seek professional assistance for the conversion process. Electric reel mower conversion involves electrical wiring and connections, which can be complex for individuals without prior experience. By involving a professional, you ensure a safe and reliable conversion.

Choosing a reliable conversion kit manufacturer

To ensure a successful conversion, choose a conversion kit manufacturer with a solid reputation and positive customer reviews. Look for manufacturers that specialize in electric reel mower conversions and have a track record of producing high-quality products. Thoroughly research potential kit manufacturers before making a purchase, and check for warranties or customer support options in case you encounter any issues during the conversion process.

Researching user reviews and experiences

Before committing to a specific conversion kit, read user reviews and experiences to gain insight into the product’s performance, durability, and ease of installation. User reviews often provide valuable information and can help you make an informed decision about which conversion kit to choose. Look for reviews from individuals who have converted a similar manual reel mower model for the most accurate and relevant information.


Converting a manual reel mower to an electric one can provide numerous benefits, including environmental impact, convenience, reduced maintenance, and cost-effectiveness. By carefully considering the condition of your manual reel mower, compatibility with conversion kits, spare parts availability, and the time commitment involved, you can ensure a successful conversion process. With proper maintenance and attention, an electric reel mower can provide a sustainable and efficient way to maintain your lawn while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Learn more about the Can I Convert My Manual Reel Mower To An Electric One? here.